Having waited for this date for a good few weeks. We packed the car on the trailer Friday night and left early on Saturday to travel down to Snetterton for the first track day in the Classic Caterham. There was a lot of fog around and there had been on Friday night. Another member of the graduates racing club said ‘Snetterton is always foggy but it does lift’. So I knew that we would be having some fog.
We arrived at Snetterton and it was very foggy. Our fingers were crossed that some wind would come along and blow it all away. (After trying to blow it away personally with no luck, the only thing left to do was to cross our fingers). I signed on and got my Snetterton wrist band, had a briefing and got the car noise checked. I then took the car to the pit lane to wait for the sighting laps. I had 3 sighting laps behind a van and an Evo. I couldn’t let you know what was behind me because I had forgotten to put on any of my mirrors! It was horrible, the fog was still very thick (approx 50m’s visibility). 3 laps went very quickly, the conditions where not that pleasant. But it felt great to be back on a motor racing circuit. I travelled back to the pits and met up with my parents. There was going to be no track time until the fog had lifted so the marshals could see!!
We decided to go and get a hot drink in the restaurant and was very tempted by the cooked breakfast but we managed to stay away. We were hanging around entertaining ourselves. But unfortunately at 12 there was an announcement to say they had had to cancel the track day because the weather was too bad. At first I thought this decision had come a bit early as there was plenty of time left in the day, however on hindsight it was the correct decision. In fact at the circuit it appeared to be getting worse rather than better. It was a long way to go for 3 laps around Snetterton but I have enjoyed the day immensely. I feel like I have achieved a lot without doing that much!
(Look how good the car looks in bright orange on such
a foggy day – don’t think drivers are going to miss me!)
Lessons learnt!
-> Fog stops races/track days.
-> That we can now get the car on the trailer quite quickly.
-> Can put the car away quite quickly.
-> Fitting only 4 tyres to the tyre rack caused problems however we have learnt a solution.
-> The trailer now has a registration plate on it.
-> The car is running well.
-> One piece of foam makes my seat very comfortable!
-> The car passes the noise limit check. (Something that I had assumed but nice to get confirmed).
So looking into the future. Registration started this week for the 2011 championship. It is currently only open to members, with new members allowed to register on 29th November. So now counting that day down! I’m going to see whether I can get a few track days in before the start of the season. With the idea of going to slightly nearer circuits – Cadwell / Mallory. However I still have issues with transporting the car so I’ll have to wait and see. Fingers are crossed for no more fog (and I’m also going to include snow in that one with reference to the winter weather we had last year!)

I have just ordered all my clothes etc. Expensive but of course necessary in the name of safety. Looking forward to that arrival (Suit, Helmet, Underwear, Socks and Harness).
Fingers crossed I’ll get my chance to have a good play soon!